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Pubblicazioni (pagina personale)

Alcune pubblicazioni / Some publications

Libri / Books

  • Salvan, A., Sartori, N. & Pace, L. (2020). Modelli Lineari Generalizzati. Springer-Italia, Milano.
  • Pace, L., Salvan, A. (2001). Introduzione alla Statistica – II. Inferenza, Verosimiglianza, Modelli, (in Italian). Cedam, Padova.
  • Bortot, P., Ventura, L., Salvan, A. (2000). Inferenza Statistica: Applicazioni con S-Plus e R, (in Italian). Cedam, Padova.
  • Pace, L., Salvan, A. (1997). Principles of Statistical Inference from a Neo-Fisherian Perspective. Advanced Series on Statistical Science and Applied Probability, Vol.4, World Scientific, Singapore.
  • Pace, L., Salvan, A. (1996). Teoria della Statistica: Metodi, Modelli, Approssimazioni Asintotiche, (in Italian). Cedam, Padova.

Articoli / Papers

  • Pozza, F., Kenne-Pagui, E.C. and Salvan, A. (2023). Improved and computationally stable estimation of relative risk regression with one binary exposure. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, to appear, doi:
  • Bellio, R., Kosmidis, I., Salvan, A. and Sartori, N. (2023). Parametric bootstrap inference for stratified models with high-dimensional nuisance specifications, Statistica Sinica, 33, 1069-1091,  doi: 10.5705/ss.202021.0027.
  • Gioia, V., Kenne Pagui, E.C. & Salvan, A. (2023). Median bias reduction in cumulative link models, Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, 52, 795-802, doi:
  • Pace, L., Salvan, A. and Sartori, N. (2022). Confidence sequences with composite likelihoods. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, to appear.
  • Kenne-Pagui, E.C., Salvan, A. and Sartori, N. (2022). Improved estimation in negative binomial regression. Statistics in Medicine, 41, 2403-2416, doi:
  • Pace, L. & Salvan, A. (2020). Likelihood, replicability and Robbins’ confidence sequences. International Statistical Review, 8, 599-615.
  • Pace, L., Salvan, A. & Sartori, N. (2019). Efficient composite likelihood for a scalar parameter of interest. STAT, 8:e4222.
  • Kenne-Pagui, E.C., Salvan, A. & Sartori, N. (2017). Median bias reduction of maximum likelihood estimates. Biometrika, 104, 923-938.
  • Bartolucci, F., Bellio, R., Salvan, A. & Sartori, N. (2016). Modied profile likelihood
    for panel data models. Econometric Reviews, 35, 1271-1289.
  • Pace, L., Salvan, A. & Sartori, N. (2015). Inference from pseudo likelihoods with plug-in
    estimates. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 57, 347-361.
  • Kenne Pagui, E. C., Salvan, A. & Sartori, N. (2015). On full effciency of the maximum
    composite likelihood estimator. Statistics and Probability Letters, 97, 120-124.
  • Kenne Pagui, E. C., Salvan, A. & Sartori, N. (2014). Combined composite likelihood. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 42, 525-543.
  • Pace, L., Salvan, A. (2014). Simple ancillaries. Sankhya A, 76, 15-24.
  • Pace, L., Salvan, A., Sartori, N. (2011).    Adjusting composite likelihood ratio statistics. Statistica Sinica, 21, 129-148.
  • Pace, L., Salvan, A., Ventura, L. (2011). Adjustments of profile likelihood through predictive densities. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 63, 923-927.
  • Pace, L., Salvan, A., Ventura, L. (2011), Remedying the Neyman-Scott phenomenon in model discrimination Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 81, 749-757.
  • Racugno, W., Salvan, A., Ventura, L. (2010). Bayesian analysis in regression models using pseudo-likelihoods. Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods, 39, 3444-3455.
  • Guolo, A., Brazzale, A.R. e Salvan, A. (2006). Improved inference on a scalar fixed effect of interest in nonlinear mixed-effects models. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 51, 1602-1613.
  • Pace, L., Salvan, A. (2006). Adjustments of the profile likelihood from a new perspective. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136, 3554-3564.
  • Pace, L., Salvan, A., Ventura, L. (2006). Likelihood based discrimination between separate scale and regression models. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136, 3539-3553.
  • Pace, L., Salvan, A. (2004). Tensors and likelihood expansions in the presence of nuisance parameters. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 56, 511-528.
  • Pace, L., Salvan, A., Ventura, L. (2004). The effects of rounding on likelihood procedures. Journal of Applied Statistics, 31, 29-48.
  • Sartori, N., Salvan, A., Pace, L. (2003). A note on directed adjusted profile likelihoods. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 101, 1-9.
  • Sartori, N., Bellio, R., Salvan, A., Pace, L. (1999). The directed modified profile likelihood in models with many nuisance parameters. Biometrika, 86, 735-742.
  • Pace, L., Salvan, A. (1999). Conditioning on an ancillary statistic in the Neyman-Pearson setting. Statistica Applicata, 11, 205-215.
  • Pace, L., Salvan, A. (1999). Point estimation based on confidence intervals: exponential families. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 64, 1-21.
  • Pace, L., Salvan, A. (1994). The geometric structure of the expected/observed likelihood expansions. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 46, 649-666.
  • Pace, L., Salvan, A. (1992). A note on conditional cumulants in canonical exponential families. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 19, 185-191.
  • Pace, L., Salvan, A. (1991). Approximate median unbiased estimators for the Weibull distribution. Statistica Applicata, 3, 619-629.
  • Salvan, A., Hirji, K. (1991). Asymptotic equivalence of conditional median unbiased and maximum likelihood estimators in exponential families. Metron, 49, 219-232.
  • Salvan, A. (1990). Planning sequential clinical trials: a review. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 9, 47-56.
  • Pace, L., Salvan, A. (1990). Best conditional tests for separate families of hypotheses. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 52, 125-134.
  • Pace, L., Salvan, A. (1987). A class of tests of exponentiality against monotone failure rate alternatives with incomplete data. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 16, 249-256.
  • Diana, G., Salvan, A. (1986). Two tests for monotone failure rate with incomplete data. Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods, 15, 3545-3558.
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