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G. Caperna, G. Boccuzzo (2017) Use of poset theory with big datasets: A new proposal applied to the analysis of life satisfaction in Italy. Social Indicator Research, DOI: 10.1007/s11205-016-1482-3.

G. Boccuzzo, G. Caperna (2017) Evaluation of life satisfaction in Italy: proposal of a synthetic measure based on poset theory. In: Maggino F. (Ed.) Complexity in Society. From Indicator Construction to their Synthesis. Social Indicators Research Book Series. Springer. pp. 291-321. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-60595-1_12

G.Boccuzzo, L.Maron (2017) Proposal of a composite indicator of job quality based on a measure of weighted distances. Quality & Quantity, 51(5), 2357-2374, DOI: 10.1007/s11135-016-0392-4.

G.Boccuzzo, L.Fabbris, O.Paccagnella (2016). Job-major match and job satisfaction in Italy. International Journal of Manpower, 37(1): 135-156.

G.Boccuzzo, M. Gianecchini (2015). Measuring Young Graduates’ Job Quality through a Composite Indicator. Social Indicator Research, 122(2): 453-478.

G.Boccuzzo, L.Maron (2015). Understanding equity in work through job quality: A comparative analysis between disabled and non-disabled graduates using a new composite indicator. In: Carpita M., Brentari E. and El Mostafa Q. (Eds.), Advances in Latent Variables: Methods, Models and Applications, Springer International Publishing Switzerland: 263-275.

F. De Luca, G. Boccuzzo (2014). What do healthcare workers know about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome? The results of the Italian Campaign ‘GenitoriPiù’. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, Statistics in Society, 177(1), pp. 63-82.

G. Boccuzzo, F. De Luca (2012). Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Knowledge of its Risk Factors among Italian Healthcare Professionals. Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis, 5(3): 374- 380.

G. Boccuzzo, A. Paggiaro (2012). Facets of Graduates’ Job Satisfaction. In: Fabbris L. Ed., Indicators of Higher Education Effectiveness. McGraw-Hill, Milano: 133- 145.

G. Boccuzzo, L. Fabbris (2012). How Do the Disabled Graduates Achieve and Spend their Human Capital Gained at University?. In: Fabbris L. Ed. Indicators of University Education Effectiveness. McGraw-Hill, Milano: 105- 118.

L. Fabbris, G. Boccuzzo, C. Vanin. (2011). Ranking services for students via preference elicitation at Padua University, Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis: Decision Support Systems and Services Evaluation, 1: 1-14.

G. Boccuzzo, L. Fabbris, M.C. Martini, M. Scioni (2011). A Participative Process for the Definition of a Human Capital Indicator. In: S. Ingrassia, R. Rocci, M. Vichi Eds. New Perspectives in Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg: 39- 47.

G. Boccuzzo, L. Iannucci, F. Ongaro, C. Tomassini (2009). Gli anziani tra benessere e malattia. In: F. Ongaro, S. Salvini (a cura di). Rapporto sulla Popolazione. Salute e sopravvivenza. Il Mulino, Bologna: 115- 140.

G. Boccuzzo, M. Caltabiano, G. Dalla Zuanna, M. Loghi (2008). The impact of the bonus at birth on reproductive behaviour in a lowest-low fertility context: Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italy) from 1989-2005. In: A.H. Gauthier, D. Philipov (Eds.). Vienna Yearbook of Population Research, Vol. 2008. Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna: 125- 147.

L. Salmaso, G. Boccuzzo, S. Manea, M. Mazzucato, L. Visonà Dalla Pozza, F. Zambon, P. Facchin (2006). Può l’informazione corrente orientare la programmazione per l’area materno-infantile? Fonti e metodi a confronto. Epidemiologia e Prevenzione, 3: 178- 190.

A. Ferrante, G. Boccuzzo, P. Facchin (2005). La diagnosi prenatale: un approfondimento partendo dalla realtà del Veneto. In: F. Bonarini, F.Ongaro e C. Viafora (a cura di). Sessualità e riproduzione: tutto sotto controllo?. Franco Angeli, Milano: 145-168.

V. Buratta, G. Boccuzzo (2001). Evolution and epidemiology of induced abortion in Italy. Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 6: 1- 48.

G. Boccuzzo, L. Frova (1996). 194: il numero delle donne. Sapere, 4: 48- 56.

G. Boccuzzo (1996). Studio della familiarità dell’asma. Statistica Applicata, 8: 299- 317.


V.L. Vida, M.A. Padalino, G. Boccuzzo, G. Stellin (2012). Near-infrared spectroscopy for monitoring leg perfusion during minimally invasive surgery for patients with congenital heart defects. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 143: 756- 757.

M.A. Padalino, V.L. Vida, G. Boccuzzo et al. (2012). Surgery for primary cardiac tumors in children: Early and late results in a Multi-Center European Congenital Heart Surgeons Association (ECHSA) study. Circulation, 126: 22- 30

G. Stellin, M.A. Padalino, V.L. Vida, G. Boccuzzo, et al.  (2010). Surgical repair of congenital mitral valve malformations in infancy and childhood: A single-center 36-year experience. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 140: 1238- 1244.

V.L. Vida, M.A. Padalino, G. Boccuzzo, et al. (2010). Scimitar Syndrome A European Congenital Heart Surgeons Association (ECHSA) Multicentric Study, Circulation,  122: 1159- 1166.

P. Lago, C. Tiozzo, G. Boccuzzo, A. Allegro, F. Zacchello (2008). Remifentanil for percutaneous intravenous central catheter placement in preterm infant: A randomized controlled trial Paediatric Anaesthesia, 18: 736- 744.

Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche | Università degli studi di Padova