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Mazzuco s. and Scarpa B. (in corso di stampa) Fitting age-specific fertility rates by a flexible generalized skew-normal probability density function. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society – Series A.

Mazzuco S. and Meggiolaro S. Family structures and health behaviour in adolescents. Child Indicator Research, 7(1), 155-175

Mazzuco, S. and Suhrcke M. , (2011) “Health inequalities in Europe: New insights from European Labour Force Surveys” Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

Mazzuco, S., (2009) “Another Look into the Effect of Pre-marital Cohabitation on Marriage Duration: An Approach Based on MatchingJournal of the Royal Statistical Society – Series A,172 (1), 255-273

Ongaro, F., Mazzuco, S., Meggiolaro S. (2009) “Economic Consequences of Union Dissolution in Italy: Findings from the European Community Household PanelEuropean Journal of Population, 25 (1), 45-65

Aassve, A., Betti, G., Mazzuco, S., Mencarini, L. (2007) “Marital Disruption and Economic Well-being: A Comparative AnalysisJournal of the Royal Statistical Society – Series A, 170(3), 781-799

Aassve, A., Davia, M., Iacovou, M. Mazzuco, S. (2007) “Does leaving home make you poor? Evidence from 13 European countriesEuropean Journal of Population, 23(3-4), 315-338

Mazzuco, S. (2006) “The Impact of Children Leaving Home on Parents’ Well-being: A Comparative Analysis of France and Italy”, Genus , LXII (No. 3-4), 35-52

Mazzuco, S., Mencarini L., Rettaroli R. (2006) “Similiarities and differences between two cohorts of young adults in Italy: The results of a CATI survey on transition to adulthood“,Demographic Research, 15-5, 105-146 

Suhrcke M, Vork A, Mazzuco S. (2006) “The economic consequences of ill health in Estonia.”Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe.

Aassve, A., Mazzuco, S., Mencarini, L. (2006) “An empirical investigation into the effect of childbearing on economic wellbeing in EuropeStatistical Methods and Applications Jan 2006: 1-19

Aassve, A., Mazzuco, S., Mencarini, L. (2005) “Childbearing and well-being a Comparative Analysis of European Welfare RegimesJournal of European Social Policy 15 (4): 283-299

Aassve, A., Billari, F.C., Mazzuco, S., and Ongaro, F., 2002. “Leaving home: A comparative analysis of ECHP data.Journal of European Social Policy 12 (4): 259-276. 

Working Papers

Giraldo, A., Mazzuco, S., Michielin F. (2005) “Compatibility of children and work preferences: two European cases ” WP 8-2005 Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Università di Padova (abstract

Mazzuco, S., Ongaro F. (2004) “Scelte Riproduttive tra Orientamenti Valoriali, Costi e Opportunità Uno Studio Qualitativo in Contesto Urbano ” WP 10-2004 Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Università di Padova (abstract)

Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche | Università degli studi di Padova