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Publications (personal page)

[1] Ruli, E., Sartori, N., and Ventura, L. Approximate Bayesian Computation with composite score functions. Statistics and Computing (2015). in press. [ bib | http ]
[2] Cabras, S., Castellanos, M. E., and Ruli, E. Approximate Bayesian computation by modelling summary statistics in a quasi-likelihood framework. Bayesian Analysis 10 (2015), 411-439. [ bib | .pdf ]
[3] Ruli, E., and Ventura, L. Higher-order Bayesian approximations for pseudo-posterior distributions. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation (2015). in press. [ bib | http ]
[4] Ruli, E., Sartori, N., and Ventura, L. Marginal posterior simulation via higher-order tail area approximations. Bayesian Analysis 9 (2014), 129-146. [ bib | http ]
[5] Cabras, S., Castellanos, M. E., and Ruli, E. A quasi likelihood approximation of posterior distributions for likelihood-intractable complex models. Metron 72 (2014), 153-167. [ bib | http ]
[6] Ventura, L., Ruli, E., and Racugno, W. A note on approximate Bayesian credible sets based on modified loglikelihoodratios. Statistics & Probability Letters 80 (2013), 2467-2472. [ bib | http ]

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