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Curriculum Vitae

Current position
Assistant professor (Ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo A) at Università degli Studi di Padova, Department of Statistical Sciences (Statistical Economics).
PNRR position on GRINS project.

Previous positions
• (June 2021 – February 2023) Research fellow at Università degli Studi di Padova, Department of Economics and Management and CRIEP – Interuniversity Research Centre on Public Economics, granted by Interdepartmental Centre “Giorgio Levi Cases” for Energy Economics and Technology for the project “The future of energy: institutions, regulation and enabling factors”. Supervisor: prof. Cesare Dosi.

• (April 2021 – May 2021) Collaborator at Università degli Studi di Padova, Department of Economics and Management, for the activity of economic evaluation of renewable energy sources (RES) investments, with a focus on the role of batteries for the participation of small RES in the ancillary services market.

• (November 2018 – March 2021) Research fellow at Università degli Studi di Padova, granted by the Department of Economics and Management and CRIEP – Interuniversity Research Centre on Public Economics. Research project: “Economic analysis of the integration of Renewable Energy Sources in Smart Grid”. Supervisor: prof. Fulvio Fontini.

• (March 2016 – November 2018) Research fellow at Università degli Studi di Padova, Department of Economics and Management and CRIEP – Interuniversity Research Centre on Public Economics, granted by Interdepartmental Centre “Giorgio Levi Cases” for Energy Economics and Technology for the project “The economic assessment of public-private-partnership and market design for the efficiency of the electric sector”. Supervisor: prof. Luciano Greco.

• 2012-2015, Università degli Studi di Padova. PhD in Managerial Engineering and Land Economics (full scholarship granted by University of Padova). Thesis “Smart grids, energy production and private investments. A real option approach”. Supervisor: prof. Michele Moretto.
• 2009-2011, Università degli Studi di Padova. Master Degree in Economics and Finance Public Finance. Thesis “Civicness revealed”. An econometric analysis of public contributions effects on the Friuli area after 1976 earthquakes. Supervisor: prof. Erich Battistin.
• 2006-2009, Università degli Studi di Padova. Bachelor Degree in Economics and Business. Thesis “Busy as a bee” – Econometric analysis of researchers’ scientific production. Supervisor: prof. Erich Battistin.

Additional education
• 2018, 3rd IAERE Summer School “Experimental Methods in Environmental and Resource Economics”, hosted by the University of Bologna (September 24-28th);
• 2014, University of Gand, “Summer School on Economics of Electricity markets” (August 25-29th);
• 2013, University of Roma Tor Vergata. 1st Summer Program on “The Theory of Incentives with Applications to Governmental Organizations and Environmental Issues” (September 18-20th);
• 2013, University of Warwick, UKerc Summer School (July 7-12th) fully granted by the UK Energy Research Centre.
• Other: 2018, Online Florence school of Regulation. “The regulation of the gas markets” (November 2017 – April 2018, 6 months); 2015, Online Florence school of Regulation. “The regulation of the power sector” (February-June, 5 months).

Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche | Università degli studi di Padova