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  • Bertolini, M. 2022. “Energy Efficiency in Urban Context: An Overview of European-Funded Projects with the Analysis of an ELENA Case Study” Sustainability 14, no. 17: 10574.
  • Dudjak V., Alskaif T., Khadem S., Neves D., Pena-Bello A., Saggese P., Andoni M., Bertolini M., Zhou Y., Lormeteau B., Mustafa M.A., Wang Y., Francis C., Zobiri F., Parra Mendoza D., Bowler B., Papaemmanouil A., 2021. “Impact of Local Energy Markets on the Power Systems: A Comprehensive Review” Applied Energy, vol. 301, 1 November 2021, 117434
  • Agostini M., Bertolini M., Coppo M., Fontini F., 2021. “The Participation of Small-Scale Variable Distributed Renewable Energy Sources to the Balancing Services Market” Energy Economics, Volume 97, May 2021, 105208
  • Bertolini M., Buso M., Greco L., 2020. “Competition in Smart Distribution Grids”, Energy Policy, vol. 145 October 2020, 111729
  • Bertolini M., D’Alpaos C., Moretto M., 2018. “Electricity prices in Italy: Data registered during photovoltaic activity interval” Data in Brief, Volume 19, August 2018, Pages 1428-1431,
  • Bertolini M., D’Alpaos C., Moretto M., 2018. “Do Smart Grids boost investments in domestic PV plants? Evidence from the Italian electricity markets” Energy, Volume 149, 15 April 2018, Pages 890-902
  • Bertolini M., 2014 “Building the Smart Grid: a literature review” Valori e Valutazioni n.13/2014
  • D’Alpaos C., Bertolini M., Moretto M., 2014 “Investing in photovoltaics in a smart grid context: the prosumer’s perspective” Recent Advances in Energy, Environment and Financial Planning. ISBN: 978-960-474-400-8

Book chapters (with peer review)

  • Bertolini M., 2020. “The European Local ENergy Assistance (ELENA) Fund: the relevance of expected and unexpected partnerships” in SPRINGER. Book: New Metropolitan Perspectives, Chapter No: 49, Chapter DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-48279-4_49
  • ­­Bertolini M., Blasi S., 2021. “The role of the DSOs in the energy transition towards sustainability. A case study from Italy” in “Rethinking Clusters. Place-based Value Creation in Sustainability Transitions”, Pages 65-77. Springer Sustainable Development Goals Series. ISBN 978-3-030-61922-0

Working papers

  • Bergemann D., Bertolini M., Castellini M., Moretto M., Vergalli S., 2022. “Renewable energy communities, digitalization and information”, Nota di Lavoro 037.2022, Milano, Italy: Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
  • Amadei C., Bertolini M., Greco L. 2022. “How to Manage Public Artworks? A Market Alternative to Deaccessioning”. Marco Fanno Working Paper 282/2022
  • Agostini M., Bertolini M., Coppo M., Fontini F. “The Participation of Small-Scale Variable Distributed Renewable Energy Sources to the Balancing Services Market”. Marco Fanno Working Paper No.263-2020.
  • Bertolini M., Buso M., Greco L., 2018. “Competition and regulation with the Smart Grid”, Marco Fanno Working Paper No.226-2018.
  • Bertolini M., D’Alpaos C. and Moretto M., 2016. “Investing in Photovoltaics: Timing, Plant Sizing and Smart Grids Flexibility”, FEEM Working Paper No. 60.2016.
  • D’Alpaos C., Bertolini M. and Moretto M., 2015. “Do Smart Grids boost investment in photovoltaics? The prosumer investment decision” Marco Fanno Working Paper No.203-2015
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche | Università degli studi di Padova